Jena and Trevor's love story by Jena...
"Jena and Trevor met for the first time as Junior's in high school. We quickly became friends and it didn't take long for me to fall for Trevor. He always flirted back, but never admitted his feelings. We hung out all the time outside of school Jr. and Sr. year, whether it be in groups of friends or alone, but he never made a move. It was obvious to everyone how I felt, even to him, but nothing happened. Finally we went to a movie together right before I was leaving for my freshman year at UW - La Crosse, Trevor was at UWSP. He decided that was a good time to tell me he was ready for a girlfriend - for us to be together. Unfortunately, I felt he was a little too late and told him I wanted us both to go to college and have the fun college experience. We parted ways, dated other people, but occasionally kept in touch over the years. I ran into him Jr. year of college again and he told me how he made such a huge mistake letting me get away, and he should've dated me when he had the chance. A few years later, we met up at a local bar to catch up and see if that spark was still there. Obviously it was! That was exactly 3 years ago.
How Trevor Proposed...
We were having a fire, listening to country music one Friday night and he told me his grandparents got us a gift. He left and returned with a wooden sign that said “The Skervens: Trevor & Jena". He said you might think this is a little weird as he handed it to me. I stared at it, slightly confused and started to say, “yeah, a little…” He said, “well it might be because of this…” and he pulled out the ring! I was so surprised.